you read through story this and at no point does the author try to balance their claims with, you know, actual reality or context, or even a fleeting mention of the fact the guy they're actually supporting is a criminal racist sociopath looking to dismantle the pillars of democracy
they could have also made a quick reference to the fact that trump wants to dismantle the regulatory state, which will absolutely indisputably kill people
every single day I'm somehow still stunned at the failure of the press to meet this current moment
@KarlBode They're too rich and privileged to care about anything but themselves and their money. (The venture capitalists, not the press, to clarify. The press are apparently fawning, pathetic ass kissers? I dunno)
@KarlBode it really is stunning how badly they’re failing at it. Managing at every opportunity to normalize Trump as some kind of standard candidate
@KarlBode unfortunately a substack link, but John Biggs has some things to say about TechCrunch
@skippy they have several really excellent cybersecurity reporters but so much of the reporting is weird feckless stenography