"For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose."
#law #ChecksAndBalances #JudicialBranch #Judiciary #SeparationOfPowers #CoEqualBranchesOfGovernment #AbuseOfPower #Trump
Just hours after #Trump called for the #impeachment of a federal judge who ruled against his #deportation of hundreds of Venezuelans over the weekend, & after Trump's comments targeting Judge #Boasburg spurred a rare public rebuke from #SCOTUS Chief Justice #JohnRoberts, #HouseRepublicans led by Rep #BrandonGill introduced articles of impeachment against Boasberg.
#law #Constitution #JudicialBranch #CoEqualBranchesOfGovernment #ConstitutionalCrisis #AbuseOfPower
#GOP *lawmakers* have unleashed an unprecedented flood of long-shot #impeachment articles aimed at federal judges who are standing in the way of #Trump's agenda.
James #Boasberg, chief judge of the DC District Court, is at least the fifth federal judge who is facing a #HouseRepublicans impeachment attempt after issuing a ruling unfavorable to the admin.
#BrandonGill's bogus four-page #impeachment resolution charges Judge #Boasberg with abuse of power, arguing that he "did knowingly & willfully use his judicial position to advance political gain."
It argues that the #AlienEnemiesAct gives #Trump "sole & unreviewable discretion" to determine whether an "invasion has taken place" — & thus whether its powerful emergency provisions can be exercised. [nope]
#law #Constitution #Judiciary #ConstitutionalCrisis
#BrandonGill's measure is co-sponsored by Reps. #EliCrane (R-#Arizona), #BuddyCarter (R-#Georgia), #MikeCollins (R-GA), #BarryMoore (R-#Alabama) & #AndrewClyde (R-GA).
#Republicans have also moved to #impeach federal judges Paul Engelmayer, John McConnell Jr., John Bates & Amir Hatem Mahdy Ali — all for ruling in some way against #Trump.
Unbelievable willful ignorance:
#Trump said that #SCOTUS Chief Justice #JohnRoberts’ statement on Tues didn’t mention him by name while doubling down on his call to #impeach a federal judge who ruled against his admin in a high-profile #deportation case.
In an interview on Tues w/ FauxNews’ Laura Ingraham, Trump was asked what his reaction was to Roberts stepping in to make a statement after Trump called for impeaching US District Judge James #Boasberg.
“He didn’t mention my name in the statement. I just saw it quickly. He didn’t mention my name. But many people have called for his impeachment. The impeachment of this judge. I don’t know who the judge is. He is radical left. He is Obama-appointed,” #Trump said, acc/to an early clip shared on the social media.
#Trump said that the decision to remove people from the #US should be left to the president.
“He actually said we shouldn’t be able to take criminals, killers, murderers, horrible, the worst people, gang members, gang leaders — that we shouldn’t be allowed to take them out of our country,” Trump told FauxNews. “Well, that is a presidential job. Not for a local judge to be making that determination.”
@Nonilex Nope the judge didn't say that at all, but as usual Trump doesn't know how to say anything without exaggerating and embellishing the truth.
On the other hand, we DO have a President who has verifiably brought dangerous criminals IN TO the country to shelter them from criminal prosecution. If we're going to talk about impeachable offenses, perhaps we should start there?
Local judge huh???
My promise to not wish ill will is quickly evaporating.
@ChrisHolladay @Nonilex There's a convenient way to get a less-local judge to make the determination. It's called an "appeal." Perhaps Trump has heard of it.
@jonberger @Nonilex
Nah it's called bringing in the scrotum bros
Roberts,Kavanaugh,Alito,Gorsuch, and Thomas
What arrested development sounds like. Trump is a 5 year old, which is an insult to the thoughtful 5 year olds I have known.
Boasberg spoke the order and didn't write it so we didn't have to comply.
Biden used an autopen and not his own signature so it doesn't count.
Roberts didn't name me so I'm not responsible.
What a putz.
So the criminal and sex offender in power didn't use a quill pen to sign his illegal Executive Orders as a president would have in 1789. They are invalid on that basis, given the so-called Originalist interpretation the Constitution.
I'm 100% sure there were no Sharpies in the 18th Century. Everything that Trump has signed is invalid.
@Nonilex Good lord, what a babbling clown.
@Nonilex I hate that I can see the last part of a thread without context and immediately know it’s Trump talking.
@Nonilex Judge Jeb Boasberg lived with Brett Kavanaugh at Yale and played basketball with Professor George Priest, who sponsored the Yale Federalist Society. He was appointed by George Bush to the superior court in DC. Then, he was appointed by Obama to the US Dist Court in DC. Then John Roberts appointed him to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in 2014, which is how he ended up presiding over the current deportation case.
He's a bipartisan choice, but hardly a radical leftist.