Actress Michelle Yeoh posts a photo on Instagram with caption "Taipei Ch1na."
I wonder how much backlash she would get.
We've processed 1,022 of over 20,000 photos that were flagged by the Department of Defense as being too #DEI. Some are already deleted but we are working to archive as many as we can!
Browse what we've collated so far at
Japanese woman murdered in Tokyo during a livestream. 22-year-old Sato Airi, aka Mogami Ai was stabbed by a 42-year-old man, claiming she did not pay money she owed him.
#Japan #Asian #LiveStreaming #Influencer #Murder #Crime #Japanese #Nippon #Violence
Slovak national found dead in Boracay, a popular beach destination in the Philippines. According to a report from the Western Visayas police, the victim was identified as Michaela Mickova, 23, who had been staying temporarily at a resort.
#Philippines #Asian #European #Slovak #Crime #Boracay #Visayas #Beach #Travel #Tourism #TootSEA @pinoy
German spy agency believed CoVid-19 likely started in a laboratory in Wuhan.
The widely accepted theory is that Covid-19 emerged in bats and then jumped to humans, most likely through another animal, or "intermediary host."
As time worn on, scientists have not found a virus in either bats or another animal that matches the genetic make-up of Covid-19, leading some to doubt the theory.
#Pandemic #CoVid19 #Asian #Health #Virus #PublicHealth #SARSCov2
Last night someone came to our door. As we spoke they revealed that they were an ex offender. I bought a couple of their useful wares and realized too late that I couldn't afford them but
(1/4) ももクロ【STAGE MIX】行く春来る春(from ももクロ春の一大事2017〜2024 〜笑顔のチカラ つなげるオモイ〜) ##モモ #Asian #AsianIdol #GirlsGroup #huruya #idol #JPop #japan #kawakami #LIVE #mcz #momo #momoclo #momocloMV #MomoiroClover #MOMOIROCLOVERZ #momokuro #momokuroMV #momota #mtv #MV #sasaki #takagi #tamai #tokyo #UndergroundIdol #UndergroundIdolGroups #UndergroundIdols #あーりん #アイドル #かなこ #かなこ↑↑ #キング #キングレコード #しおりん #ニューシングル #モノノフ #もも #ももいろクローバー #ももいろクローバーz #ももクロ #れにちゃん #佐々木彩夏 #地下アイドル #玉井詩織 #百田夏菜子 #週末ヒロイン #高城れに