This week's #SundayLunch contains no gelatin, for a change!
[reads recipe]
...contains only four envelopes of gelatin! Try it at home! (Or don’t.)
@GayOldTime I’m inspired to have pizza for lunch.
@GayOldTime The name is good: I saw it and was inspired to soon make green beans-tomato soup with sour cream (and without asparagus or gelatin).
Mainly I wanted to comment that I really like your style of commenting the featured... things! :)
@Antimony Talk about a silver lining!
@GayOldTime Four packets?? Are you meant to eat it or take it to the park and bounce if off the walls?
@thisisrjg The recipe also contains four bouillon cubes, celery salt, and regular salt. With that amount of gelatin and sodium, this stuff must have the consistency of Silly Putty.
@GayOldTime @thisisrjg The inspiration soup is actually 90% perspiration.
@GayOldTime the candles look more appetising than the soup!
@satsuma And just about as waxy