About 250M years ago, 90% of species on Earth died during the Permian extinction. All of that loss created a lot of vacant niches to fill.
And not long after, the first mammals, our ancestors, appeared.
I find it comforting to remember that life on this pale blue dot will be resilient - whether we’re part of it or not. #science #nature #history #SharedPlanet
@Sheril I feel the same way. The Ends of The World by Peter Brannen got me through the last 6 years. We are a blip in an interstitial, and by the end of the next era, there will be no sign we were ever here. I find that very comforting.
@Mcdyer @Sheril @breadandcircuses on the other hand, we might be the only chance that life has to spread beyond our planet. Discovering life elsewhere would be even more comforting.