The alleged #ComputerCrimes in latest Trump & allies indictment
4 people who pushed the #BigLie that #Trump won the #2020election face charges of #conspiracy to commit #ComputerTheft, conspiracy to commit #ComputerTrespass & conspiracy to commit #ComputerInvasionOfPrivacy…. Those are the biggest #cyber-related takeaways in a far more sweeping #indictment that features #charges for Trump & 18 others.
The charges take aim at atty #SidneyPowell; fmr #CoffeeCounty elections supervisor #MistyHampton; the fmr head of the Coffee County #Republican Party, #CathyLatham; & #ScottHall, a bail bondsman & #Trump supporter. The #indictment accuses Powell of hiring a firm “for the performance of computer forensic collections & analytics on #Dominion Voting Systems equipment in #Michigan & elsewhere,” w/ a breach of election equipment in Coffee County taking place under the agreement….
And it also accuses #Latham, #Hampton & #Hall of helping take & examine data from #Dominion Voting Systems machines inside the Coffee County Elections & Registration Office.
The #indictment also mentions (w/o naming) 4 unindicted co-conspirators who “unlawfully accessed certain data” on the #CoffeeCounty voting machines by downloading info from a server maintained by forensics data firm #SullivanStrickler….
#Trump #Georgia
And Rudy #Giuliani, who has served as an atty for #Trump, faces #charges of allegedly making false statements to the #Georgia House that 2 named election workers & another unidentified person were “quite obviously surreptitiously passing around USB ports as if they’re vials of heroin or cocaine” at #StateFarmArena to be used to “infiltrate the crooked #Dominion voting machines,” among other claims.