#JDVance Desperately Tries to Give #Trump Credit for Prisoner Swap
Trump’s team is pathetically trying to make the #Russia #PrisonerExchange all about him.
After #POTUS Joe #Biden on Thurs announced a deal to free American #hostages in Russia, #Vance somehow tried to give Trump the credit.
#Desperate #pathetic #deranged #weird #criminal #losers #USpol
#JDVance’s initial reaction to the news began *normally* [for him], in an interview w/CNN’s Steve Contorno.
“Look, I think it’s great news, at least what little we know. We certainly want these Americans to come back home. It was ridiculous that they were in prison to begin with,” the #Republican VP nom said, before going in a completely different direction.
#Trump #Desperate #pathetic #deranged #weird #criminal #losers #USpol
“But we have to ask ourselves, why are they coming home? I think it’s because bad guys all over the world recognize Donald #Trump’s about to be back in office, so they’re cleaning house,” #Vance said. “That’s a good thing. I think it’s a testament to Donald Trump’s strength.” [huh?]
The Ohio senator isn’t making any sense here.
#Desperate #pathetic #deranged #weird #criminal #losers #USpol
He appears to be echoing #Trump’s comments from May that only he could free WSJ reporter #EvanGershkovich, claiming that “Vladimir #Putin, President of #Russia, will do that for me, but not for anyone else, & WE WILL BE PAYING NOTHING!”
But this was easily disproved Thurs after the release of the hostages…. #Nationalsecurity adviser #JakeSullivan was asked about #Vance’s claim…,& he dismissed the idea.
“I don’t follow,” Sullivan replied. [best reply to a Trump &/or #JDVance quote ever]
@Nonilex He isn't making any sense elsewhere either.
Weird Lies from a Weird Guy
We’re witnessing self-annihilating ego-death in real-time.
It will be hard to watch.
We must stare into the abyss, regardless.
He was fed that stupid line by Trump. Trump says the same thing whenever the stock market goes up, claiming its because brokers can see into the future that he'll be president again.
@Wileymiller @Nonilex
And today it looks like the market is responding to weak jobs data with a correction (Edit: or possibly contagion from the Nikkei, as Paul Krugman suggests), so get ready for him to be claiming a recession is coming thanks to worry about a Harris Presidency all next week.
JD be stretching like taffy.
He's weird...
@Nonilex Anyone asked to comment on a Trump or Vance statement should just say, “That makes no sense at all. Why are they being so weird?”
They have no other option having done nothing of their own and having been caught pants-down in the midst of a staggering, lamppost clutching campaign.
This may in fact partly have been intended by a certain someone as a signal they’re losing leverage.
@Nonilex This is like the time #republicans went on #Foxnews to thank GWB when #obama got Osama Bin Laden. #GOP = grandiose old phonies. #voteblue #KamelaHarris
The only prisoners Trump ever got released were 5000 Taliban.
#WeRemember #TrumpLies
@Nonilex Puh-lease! LOL! Trump would never do that. He's in bed with Putin!
@Nonilex It is as true as the reason Simone Biles won all those medals was because she knew I will unfollow her on Instagram otherwise.