A judge on Mon sentenced #ChrystulKizer, a Milwaukee woman, charged w/killing the man who #abused & #SexTrafficked her as a teenager to 11 yrs in prison +5 yrs of extended supervision. The decision ends a 6-yr legal saga that tested the limits of the court’s leniency toward #survivors of #SexualAbuse who commit resulting #crimes.
#law #SelfDefense #abuse #SexTrafficking #SexualAssault #Rape #AffirmativeDefense #BelieveSurvivors #Wisconsin
#ChrystulKizer will ultimately not serve the full 11 yrs in prison, after #Kenosha County Judge David P. Wilk ruled she had already served >1½ yrs.
Kizer, now 24, initially faced a possible life sentence for shooting 34-yr-old Randall Volar III when she was 17 yrs-old. Volar, who was White, had been #filming his #SexualAbuse of Kizer, who is Black, for >1 yr.
This year, #ChrystulKizer agreed to plead guilty to a reduced charge of #SecondDegree #RecklessHomicide w/a dangerous #weapon, which carried a max of 30 yrs.
Advocates said Kizer’s case marked the 1st time a #Wisconsin court had allowed a defendant who was a #SexTrafficking victim to use an “#AffirmativeDefense” for a #homicide charge.
>30 states have #AffirmativeDefense provisions that allow #SexTrafficking victims [survivors] to be acquitted of certain charges against them if they can prove at trial that a #crime was committed because of their #abuse.
#Kenosha County DA Michael Gravely had argued that #ChrystulKizer carried out a premeditated killing to steal Volar’s BMW
#law #kidnapping #SexualAbuse #SexualAssault #Rape #SelfDefense #BelieveSurvivors #Wisconsin
Public defender Jennifer Bias said #ChrystulKizer acted in #SelfDefense after Volar had pinned her to the ground while *trying to initiate sexual contact* [was #SexuallyAssaulting her]. Prosecutors declined to comment, & Kizer’s atty was not immediately available following Mon’s sentencing.
I think justifiable homicide should have been a good defense whether he was raping her at the moment or not.
I suppose it would open the door to a rash of pimp killings, but would that really be a bad thing?