Police records reveal new details about #SexualAssault allegation against #PeteHegseth
The incident has roiled #Trump’s transition team since the former president announced the #FoxNews host #Hegseth as his nominee for #defense secretary.
#criminal #law #NationalSecurity #USpol
An ER nurse contacted police in 2017 after treating a woman who said that while drinking w/colleagues after a political gathering several nights earlier she may have been #drugged & then sexually assaulted by a man she identified as #PeteHegseth, acc/to records released late Wed by Monterey PD.
A lawyer for #Hegseth, #Trump’s nom to be #defense sec, said the encounter was consensual. Authorities declined to bring charges in the case. Hegseth paid the woman an undisclosed sum as part of a NDA.
The accuser — referred to as “Jane Doe” in the 22-page batch of documents released in response to a public records request — met #Hegseth at a Republican conference in Monterey, California, where he’d been featured as a speaker. After observing Hegseth behaving “inappropriately” w/ women at the upscale hotel event, she said she confronted him, officers wrote, & the pair argued.
“Doe” recalled #Hegseth telling her that he was a “nice guy,” officers wrote. Her next memory was being in an unknown room w/Hegseth, acc/to the police report. She stated that Hegseth then “took her phone from her hands” & blocked the door, acc/to the documents.
“JANE DOE remembered saying ‘no’ a lot,” the report said.
@Nonilex To summarize, women have no place in combat because it's impossible for animals like him to not attempt to rape them.
@binaryequation @Nonilex BadTake. This was not a military issue. Creeps are everywhere.
@ArmyGirl @Nonilex Hegseth is openly opposed to women in combat roles.
@binaryequation yes I know that, but not relevant to this allegation.
@ArmyGirl @binaryequation wait until you find out that rape victims are grilled by police, and then defense lawyers, about what she was wearing, how often does she drink, etc. It’s “character” defining.
Hegseth believes women are weaker, less valuable, merely objects for men’s amusement.
It’s part of his character and his pattern of behavior, and helps establish credibility for the allegation.
However, his nazi tattoos aren’t relevant. Let’s keep that quiet.
How they met: not in police report, but in memo friend sent DT's team:
"The woman was staying at the hotel with her small children and her husband, according to the memo, which laid out the woman’s complaint.
"One of her responsibilities at the conference was to make sure Hegseth made it back to his room and left in time the next morning for the 90-minute drive to the airport…"
"At some point in the evening, the complaint alleged, Jane Doe received a text from two women at the bar who told her that “Hegseth was getting pushy about his interest in taking them upstairs to his room.” Jane Doe, who was nearby, came over and talked to those two women, and after they left, she “remembered sensing that Hegseth was irritated,” the memo said.
"What happened next is in dispute."
@Nonilex the video showing the woman publicly walking arm locked with the man and smiling is not good for the accusation.
Unless accusation comes with new facts, it is an easy dismissal.