The #ProudBoys are marching through DC in support of #Trump
A large group of Proud Boys, the #WhiteNationalist organization whose leaders were sentenced to prison for their roles in the #Jan6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol, has amassed in a march across downtown DC.
The group of about 50, clothed in signature colors of black & gold, had begun marching through the streets of DC. this morning, waving flags that read "The Proud Boys did nothing wrong” & “Trump 2024!”
Nearly 2 mins after #Trump took the oath of office, the #ProudBoys could be heard chanting "Free our boys!" outside the Capital One Arena where Trump supporters watched a broadcast of the #inauguration.
Several Proud Boys leaders are currently serving prison sentences for their #Jan6 acts. Ethan Nordean was sentenced to 18 yrs in prison & 36 months of supervised release, Dominic Pezzola to 10 yrs in prison & 36 months of supervised release….
The 2 #ProudBoys were convicted alongside 3 other co-defendants in 2023 for multiple felonies.
It's not clear if #Trump will pardon the leaders of the Proud Boys who were #convicted on #SeditiousConspiracy charges for their roles in the #Jan6 Capitol attack though he has alleged throughout his remarks that those prosecuted for breaching the Capitol on Jan 6 were politically persecuted.
@Nonilex I'm going to throw up.
@Nonilex Losers need to get a life. #ProudBabies
@Nonilex FYI, the Proud Boys are considered a terrorist group in Canada.
"Los #ProudBoys marchan por DC en apoyo a #Trump
Un gran grupo de Proud Boys, la organización nacionalista blanca cuyos líderes fueron sentenciados a prisión por su papel en el ataque al Capitolio de los EE. UU. el 6 de enero de 2021, se ha reunido en una marcha por el centro de DC.
El grupo de aproximadamente 50 personas, vestidos con los colores distintivos de negro y dorado, había comenzado a marchar por las calles de DC esta mañana, ondeando banderas que decían "Los Proud Boys no hicieron nada malo" y "¡Trump 2024!".