Okay, get ready, I am going to curse . . .
#Trump #Justice Department freezes ALL cases in #CivilRights division
The memo doesn’t state how long the freeze will last, but it essentially shuts down the civil rights division for at least the first weeks of the Trump administration.
#law #DOJ #HumanRights #tyranny #autocracy #Totalitarianism #Dictatorship #WhiteSupremacy #MaleSupremacy #Heterosexism #WhiteChristianNationalism #USpol
The #DOJ has ordered its #CivilRights division to halt ANY ongoing litigation from the #Biden admin & not pursue ANY new cases or settlements, acc/to a memo sent to the temporary head of the division that was obtained by WaPo.
The letter instructs Kathleen Wolfe — designated by the #Trump admin as supervisor of the division — to ensure that civil rights attorneys do not file “any new complaints, motions to intervene, agreed-upon remands, amicus briefs, or statements of interest.”
[unreal] #law
The memo doesn’t state how long the freeze will last, but it essentially shuts down the #CivilRights division for at least the first weeks of the #Trump admin. Trump’s nom to lead the dept, #HarmeetDhillon — a #Republican lawyer & activist — is awaiting confirmation.
[Harmeet Dhillon is a #covidiot, a #handmaiden & believes the #ConspiracyTheory that *conservatives* are censored by social media.]
#law #DOJ #tyranny #USpol
The memo states that ofcls are implementing the freeze to be “consistent with the Department’s goal of ensuring that the Federal Government speaks with one voice in its view of the law and to ensure that the President’s appointees or designees have the opportunity to decide whether to initiate any new cases.”
[whatever, “memo”]
@Nonilex Odds are, it's permanent
@samhainnight @Nonilex 100%. No need for a civil rights division when you have no intention of recognizing the existence of civil rights.
The one voice is the voice of an idiot