Two weeks in, #Trump can’t stop talking about #Biden
#JoeBiden’s presidency ended more than two weeks ago. His photos no longer hang on the walls. His artwork choices in the Oval Office are gone. But inside the head of Donald Trump, he is still very much present.
#petty #narcissist #deranged
@Nonilex He did spent like 8yrs talking about Hilary, so I’d say this tracks
@wonkothesane @Nonilex Nothing is his fault, he wants to make sure we know to blame the other guy.
Livin rent free
@Nonilex It's because we all miss Biden's decency. The Blob hates that.
I just followed you. Pls follow back. I think we will agree on most things
@Mor696 You got it :)
@Nonilex The guy thinks in scapegoats and retribution. Obsessed doesn't begin to cover it.