Exclusive: #Trump administration directs #ICE to #deport unaccompanied migrant #children
The Trump administration is directing #immigration agents to track down hundreds of thousands of migrant children who entered the #UnitedStates without their parents, expanding the president's #MassDeportation effort, according to an internal memo reviewed by Reuters.
#law #TheCrueltyIsThePoint #WhiteSupremacy #HumanRights #Humanity #USpol
The #Immigration and Customs Enforcement [#ICE] memo outlines an unprecedented push to target migrant #children who crossed the border illegally as unaccompanied #minors. It lays out 4 phases of implementation, beginning with a planning phase on January 27, though it did not provide a start date for enforcement operations.
>600,000 immigrant #children have crossed the #US - #Mexico border without a parent or legal guardian since 2019, acc/to government data, as the number of migrants caught crossing illegally reached record levels.
Tens of thousands have been ordered deported over the same time frame, including >31,000 for missing court hearings, #immigration court data show.
During his first term, #Trump introduced a "zero tolerance" policy that led to the separation of migrant #children from their parents at the #border. The children were sent to children's shelters run by the Office of #Refugee Resettlement (ORR), a government agency housed within the #HHS, while their parents were detained or deported.
As well as enforcing #immigration laws, the memo, headlined the “Unaccompanied Alien Children Joint Initiative Field Implementation,” said the initiative aims to ensure that #children are not victims of #HumanTrafficking or other forms of #exploitation.
The memo said the children would be served a notice to appear in immigration court or deported, if #deportation orders were pending against them.
In the memo, #ICE said it had collected data from a number of sources on unaccompanied #minors & sorted them into 3 priority groups, "flight risk", "public safety" & "border security."
It directed agents to focus on #children deemed “flight risks” - including those ordered deported for missing court hearings & those released to sponsors who are not blood relatives.
ICE uses several databases & govt records to track down targets.
…Mellissa Harper, a former #ICE official who now heads #ORR, told a staff meeting on Thurs that the agency plans to use #DNA tests to establish familial relationships, one of the sources said. It was unclear whether DNA tests would be used only on cases that raised a red flag, or on a routine basis.
@Nonilex making children the targets. Lolol
Big bad ICE, going for the soft targets
So... I am related to an illegal immigrant, therefore I am an illegal immigrants?
I regret my 23 and me purchase.
@Burn_this_ @Nonilex you know, I remember a lot of people were upset that Black Americans did not do ancestry/23 and me tests, after the Golden State Killer was caught using familial DNA. Because OBVIOUSLY these companies would never do anything unethical with your DNA data!
This was called "Sippenhaftung" in Nazi Germany.
"El ICE utiliza varias bases de datos y registros gubernamentales para rastrear a sus objetivos.
…Mellissa Harper, ex funcionaria del ICE que ahora dirige la ORR, dijo en una reunión de personal el jueves que la agencia planea utilizar pruebas de ADN para establecer relaciones familiares, dijo una de las fuentes. No estaba claro si las pruebas de ADN se utilizarían solo en casos que generaran una señal de alerta o de manera rutinaria."
Oh, it's entirely predictable that they intend to use DNA testing of immigrants to populate the database and allow third-party vendors to mine it for whatever data and money they can make from it.
@Nonilex So they're just snatching brown children who neither routinely carry around their identification nor know their rights.
"Unaccompanied minors" is just the cover story.
@gooba42 weirdly this makes trump officials child traffickers which is what they are calling immigration in some parts of their constituencies.
Betsy DeVos owns a 'christian' adoption agency
you know, for context
stealing babies from their parents for jesus
@Nonilex i find it very annoying that they act like biden didn't deport a record number of people during his presidency. it's another fantasy they live in and they're making it a reality. this is like ancient occult ritual magick or something. i'm not entirely kidding about that, either.
@Nonilex this is (imo) part of the "rebranding immigration as human trafficking" narrative pushed by wingnuts like jones.