JFC This is a clown show, an evil clown show.
Several prominent *conservative* *influencers* [#ConspiracyTheorists & #FearMongers] emerged from the WH on Thurs saying they’d met w US AG #PamBondi & #FBI dir #KashPatel & were given documents tied to the investigation of #convicted #SexOffender #JeffreyEpstein, a case that has become a fixation among #RightWing broadcasters & conspiracy theorists.
#idiocracy #law #USpol
@Nonilex They're trolling us, that's all. When you repost their antics, they multiply.
Unfortunately, these are our highest #law enforcement officials. I feel it’s important to know that this is how they are spending their time, taxpayer dollars & the fact that they have prioritized this nonsense. There are criminals who they ought to be investigating or at the very least receiving briefings from the career officials in their agencies, rather than meeting with podcasters & preparing & presenting materials for conspiracy theorists.