Boeing's outgoing CEO could get "golden parachute" worth as much as $45 million.
The CEO before him got one worth $62 million on his way out the door in 2019.
America has socialism for the rich, harsh capitalism for everyone else.
So, theoretically, what actions or inactions would lead to a $0 parachute?
My suspicion is that it is the null set
@rbreich and his legacy at Boeing will be tarnished
@rbreich Put him onto a real Boeing Max on his own with a real parachute and tell him we auctioned off making the door latches and packing of the chute and we won't tell him who won.
@stationkeeper @rbreich
Give him an actual golden parachute, too.
@rbreich it is still "capitalism for everyone else" or should we just start calling it "feudalism" at this point? We are barely more than peasants to them.
These Wall Street insiders are rewarded for putting stock price above safety, employees, and integrity.
We've been electing "small business owners" to our legislatures, local and national, for years. So our government has now been captured by capitalism. Social programs are, at best, tolerated and always underfunded.
@rbreich He should be getting nothing because that's what he deserves.
@rbreich Instead, he should get an open-ended bill for the harm he has caused.
@rbreich I wonder how much he would have got if had done a good job?
Meanwhile, others can't afford food or health insurance
@rbreich And that is exactly why a lot of CEOs are never worried about accountability.
@rbreich I'm less worried about the outgoing CEO and more worried about the future behavior of those who remain.
@rbreich Weren’t we all raised and also raising our kids with the mindset of ‘don’t reward bad behavior’? I guess that filters down but doesn’t filter upwards. #EatTheRich #NoBillionaires
This is the grift that is the public stock market.
You can more easily see it in the crypto market, which delivers zero value, but it's the same game, different name.
@rbreich it is a woman who will take over his sinking ship, illustrating again the "glass cliff"
Hopefully Boeing built his parachute.
@rbreich he needs to be held next to a Boeing door plug wearing his real gold parachute.
@rbreich Or, and hear me out, how about a golden door plug, instead?
@rbreich destroys a great American company and shareholders pay him