Any #Video / #Virtual / #AugmentedReality #Technology tempts ppl away from actually going places and doing things. It can lead to a dulling of #Practical #Skills. I've learned to do quite a few things watching videos, but only b/c after watching them being done, I did them myself.
I think it's most important to maintain physical and mental health so we live as long as possible. Spending time watching videos can leave us w/ little or no time to maintain physical and mental health. #Tech is no use if we're not around to use it.
#Exercising #Outdoors seems orders of magnitude better than exercising #Indoors to a #Video #Simulation of a trail.
@sogerald Riding my bike on a home trainer was a life-saver during lockdown, so I have sympathy with anyone who isn’t in a position to ride outside… but it isn’t the same and I am incredibly glad I can ride outside regularly again.