Electric cars are less bad for the #environment than gas/petrol cars. Still bad, but slightly less bad.
Electric cars are GOOD for automakers, because they can keep building and selling cars!
Electric cars are GOOD for the oil industry, because they can produce and sell more petrochemicals used to make #plastics, which electric vehicles are loaded with.
Electric cars are GOOD for the asphalt, concrete, and steel industries, because they mean more roads, more highways, more suburban shopping malls, and more factories!
Electric cars are GOOD for capitalists who can fool buyers into believing they're making a carbon-neutral "green" choice, when they're really not.
Finally, electric cars are GOOD for promoting the myth of the endless-growth economy!
I agree. I also drive a used plug in hybrid. I wish (and agitate) for true #PublicTransit options instead of wider streets. I #walk even tho the #Midwest is openly hostile to pedestrians and #bikes
I don't bike much but would if it were safer.
I am #anticapitalist #antiracist and #ProAbortionRights I think most of us are trying and are aware. I am so much wiser than I was even just 10 years ago. We can get there #together
If we are #humankind to each other