The #House on Friday approved a roughly $1.7 trillion #omnibus bill to fund the government through most of 2023, sending to #PresidentBiden a sprawling year-end package that funds his top priorities, provides new aid to #Ukraine & averts a government shutdown.
- @tonyromm
“The 225-201 vote, +1 present, marked the unofficial culmination of a 2-yr session of #Congress that saw lawmakers hurtling from deadline to deadline, sometimes threatening to push the #economy to the brink. While some #Republicans this wk backed the spending measure in the #Senate, nearly all of them rejected it in the #House — foreshadowing the perilous fights to come once the party assumes control of that chamber next yr.”
#SenateRepublicans don’t have as many members as #HouseRepublicans
“The #omnibus provides nearly $773B for #DomesticPrograms & more than $850B for #DefenseSpending, covering expenses through the 2023 fiscal year. It also includes nearly $45B in #military, #economic & #humanitarian assistance for #Ukraine, as well as about $27B to respond to #NaturalDisasters affecting #Florida, #PuertoRico & other parts of the #UnitedStates.
“With it, lawmakers appended a wide array of other long-stalled legislative proposals — banning #TikTok on government devices, helping Americans save for #retirement, protecting #PregnantWorkers from #discrimination & rethinking the way the country counts #ElectoralVotes in the presidential election.”
“A trio of top appropriators — Sens. Patrick J. Leahy (D-VT) & Richard C. Shelby (R-AL), along w/Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro (D-CN) — clinched a deal around the >4,100-p bill… Tues morning. Two days later, they successfully shepherded it through the #Senate, overcoming objections from a small set of Republicans in a bid to avert a federal shutdown, which would have occurred at midnight Fri.
“But the #bipartisanship that largely characterized that 68-29 vote on Thurs failed to materialize in the House
“a day later, as Rep #KevinMcCarthy (R-CA), the chamber’s minority leader, led the GOP in vigorously opposing the package known as an omnibus. On Fri, he maintained his stiff resistance to negotiating w/Dems, believing instead that the talks should have fallen to his party once it controls the majority in Jan.
(if you though #ElonMusk’s #Twitter was a hellscape, just wait for #McCarthy’s #HouseOfRepresentatives)
“In a nearly half-hour long speech, #McCarthy took to the #House floor to air numerous #grievances w/the bill — that it failed to fund border enforcement, made worse the problem of fentanyl & was ‘jam-packed with wokeism.’ He blasted its inclusion of funding for some lawmakers’ pet projects, known as earmarks, even though the House GOP voted to preserve their ability to seek them in the new year.…
“The result was a politically #divisive outcome punctuated by sparse attendance. Hundreds of lawmakers from both parties filed to vote by proxy as a result of a major snowstorm….
“And the fierce #bickering served as an ominous warning about spending battles on the horizon next year, since #Congress must return to the matter of #funding the government before the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30.”
Reminder: Republicans WANT the govt to be utterly dysfunctional despite the negative impact on Americans, so that they can say “nothing got done under a Dem admin” - but look at how much the #117thCongress got done:
Democrats Show Republicans How Lawmaking Should Be Done
by @JonathanBernstein