#POTUS #Biden is expected to sign an executive order on Tuesday allowing him to temporarily seal the #UnitedStates #border with #Mexico to migrants when crossings surge, a move that would suspend longtime protections for #asylum seekers in the #UnitedStates.
#law #Immigration #ClimateMigration #ClimateChange
Can't wait to see how Republicans react. Their claim of an open border flies out the window.
@Nonilex shitty thing to do
Looks like Biden is being manipulated by thr Rethugs. This is going to piss off progressives.
@Nonilex Thank you for sharing this important story. A side benefit: I've found where Hamed Aleaziz is now! I've followed his immigration reporting in the San Francsco Chronicle. BuzzFeed News and the LA Times but missed hearing about his move to the NYT.