#EPA takes #emergency action to stop use of #dangerous pesticide
For the 1st time in 40 yrs, the #Environmental Protection Agency has taken emergency action to stop the use of a #pesticide linked to serious #HealthRisks for unborn #babies.
Tues’s #EmergencyOrder applies to… #DCPA aka #Dacthal, an #herbicide used on #crops such as #broccoli, #BrusselsSprouts, #cabbage & #onions.
#Health #PublicHealth #climate #Pregnant #farmworkers #farmers #agriculture
When #pregnant #farmworkers & others are exposed to the #pesticide, their #babies can experience changes to fetal #thyroid hormone levels, which are linked to low #birth weight, impaired #brain development, decreased #IQ & #impaired #MotorSkills later in life.
“#DCPA is so dangerous that it needs to be removed from the market immediately,” Michal Freedhoff, asst admin for the #EPA’s Office of #Chemical Safety & #Pollution Prevention, said.
“It’s #EPA’s job to protect people from exposure to #dangerous #chemicals. In this case, #pregnant women who may never even know they were exposed could give #birth to #babies that experience #irreversible lifelong #health problems.”
The sole manufacturer of the #pesticide, #AMVAC, had sought to avoid the #emergency action. The co had voluntarily pulled all #DCPA products used on turf, reducing the risks to golfers, athletes & workers who maintain turf.
But in a March letter to #AMVAC, #EPA ofcls wrote that this voluntary step was not sufficient to protect #farmworkers & others exposed to the #herbicide. The ofcls wrote that changes to #thyroid hormone levels in the #fetuses of #pregnant rats exposed to #DCPA suggested “serious #risks of concern in #humans.” …The #EmergencyAction order Tues suspends all registrations of the #pesticide….
Mily Treviño Sauceda, Alianza Nacional de Campesinas, aka the National #Farmworkers #Women’s Alliance exec dir, praised the #EPA’s action.
“As an organization led by farmworker women, we know intimately the harm that #pesticides, including… #DCPA or #Dacthal, can inflict on our bodies & communities….This #emergency decision is a great first step that we hope will be in a series of others that are based on listening to farmworkers, protecting our #ReproductiveHealth, & safeguarding our families.”
@Nonilex Note that this is the kind of #emergency response that the Supremes in their infinite wisdom have made essentially impossible.
@Nonilex so they voluntarily took action to protect the people who could afford to sue them.
@dashrb brave in an era of cowards
@Nonilex there will be an injunction, and SCOTUS will rule this unconstitutional... because they don't REALLY care about fetuses.
@Nonilex Misschien kan iemand met invloed dit bericht doorsturen aan ons onvolprezen CTGB.
@Nonilex Just a "nit", but an important one. We shouldn't be conflating "herbicides" and "pesticides". They have entirely different expected uses. Either can be dangerous to people, but it is confusing to people to call one the other or label one as both in a "news" article. This shouldn't be that complicated. #WaPo @washingtonpost