#Trump vs #KamalaHarris
#Nonsense vs #CommonSense
#Insanity vs #Sanity
#Problems vs #Solutions
#Chaos vs #Security
#Criminal vs #Ethical
#SexualAbuser vs #WomensRights
#Discrimination vs #Equality
#Disinformation vs #Reality
#Vulgarity vs #Decency
#Autocracy vs #Democracy
#Trump went viral with a carefully staged photo op at McDonalds, an apparent meditation about a golfing legend’s genitalia and crass insults at a charity banquet. He has dominated headlines after issuing dark threats, including deploying the military against the “enemy from within”; repeatedly declined to say he would accept the results of the election; and delivered long, roundabout speeches and an impromptu 39-minute dance session.
#KamalaHarris is relying on brief, scripted campaign appearances, more traditional policy blueprints and fewer attention-grabbing moments. In the final stage of the race, Harris is increasing the time and resources she spends showcasing Trump — playing clips of his most incendiary comments at rallies, labeling him “unstable and unhinged” and running ads arguing he is unfit to serve.
9 years after he rode down a golden escalator to launch his first campaign w/a combative speech disparaging Mexican immigrants as “rapists,” #Trump is closing out his third consecutive White House bid w/a loud, ostentatious campaign that has thrust his conduct to the center of a photo-finish battle for the presidency. He has often overshadowed #Harris w/gimmicky events, menacing warnings, vulgar insults & false or unsubstantiated claims….
…#Harris campaign officials say they believe that allowing more Americans to see #Trump will help convince undecided voters that he has become less stable since his presidency. Harris has long called Trump an “unserious man” & increasingly questioned Trump’s temperament, physical stamina & mental stability on the campaign trail.
…“There are things that he says that will be the subject of skits and laughter and jokes,” #Harris said Monday during a town hall in Pennsylvania. “But words have meaning coming from someone who aspires to stand behind the seal of the president of the United States. These are the things that are at stake.”
…#Trump was in the headlines again on Monday after he declined to condemn #violent threats against #FEMA workers providing relief to Americans impacted by #Hurricane #Helene & reprised false allegations about the government’s response.
…“As long as the news that Donald #Trump is making is showing an old & #confused candidate, then I say give him as much spotlight as you can,” said Morgan Jackson, a Democratic strategist in North Carolina.
During a rally Saturday in Atlanta, #Harris addressed Trump’s explanation for his meandering, tangent-filled speaking style, telling supporters that this reflects #instability rather than brilliance.
“When he does answer a question or speak at a rally, have you noticed he tends to go off script & ramble?” #Harris said. “And generally for the life of him cannot finish a thought. And he has called it ‘The weave.’ But I think we here will call it nonsense!”
#Harris also started pausing her rally speeches to roll tape of #Trump. In one, he muses about deploying the military against people he calls the “enemy from within.” In another, Trump responds during a Fox News town hall to pro-Harris counterprogramming that included the family of a Georgia woman who died after doctors held off on removing fetal tissue from her uterus. “We’ll get better ratings, I promise,” Trump said.
@Nonilex I keep waiting for her to say, “Roll that beautiful bean footage” (an old Bush’s canned bean commercial reference)
"Trump’s performances over the past few days seem to confirm that the 2024 October surprise is the increasingly obvious mental incapacity of the Republican candidate for president."
- Heather Cox Richardson
#Trump is #senile and sundowning, and as much as his campaign tries, there is really no hiding it.
@Nonilex The trouble is, from my perspective in the UK, it seems like his behaviour is being interpreted as "freedom"...freedom to say/do whatever he wants and so his followers see that as a strength, and want that for themselves too.