This is some muther f⁕⚠︎ing crazy .
Starting to seem a lot like #democracy end-days.
The #Senate on Thurs narrowly confirmed #KashPatel as the next director of the #FBI, installing a *hard-line* [batshit cray] critic of the bureau whose unwavering #loyalty to #Trump has raised questions over the #independence of the nation’s most powerful #law enforcement agency.
The 51-to-49 vote, with 2 #Republican defections, means that #KashPatel will now oversee the vast #surveillance & [have the] investigative powers of the #FBI, whose [at least before now] mission is seeking out the #truth even if it angers the president. As its director, Patel will be asked to protect the country from #terrorism, dangerous #criminals & #PoliticalCorruption, along w/the threats posed by global rivals like #China & #Russia [so, to protect the country from #Trump]
@Nonilex Good luck with that.
Welp. The horn has sounded, the riders sortied and the hounds unleashed. Anything and anyone that remotely looks like a fox are going to be skinned.
@Nonilex A #Congress that says, "come lie to us, executive branch nominees, in sworn testimony in confirmation hearings, we don't care!" isn't a Congress that will be taken seriously by the executive branch. What happened with this vote is dangerous to checks and balances. Even if they wanted to confirm this Trump toady for being a Trump toady, they should have stopped him because of the obvious perjury.
@Nonilex these fools (GOP) know what they have done, trashed their oath of office and handed our country to a madman. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely"
@Nonilex Which two Republicans voted ‘no’? None of the stories seem to mention that.