A judge on Wednesday ordered the federal Bureau of Prisons #FBP to transfer 2 #transgender women inmates back to federal women’s prisons after they had been sent to men’s facilities in the wake of #Trump’s #ExecutiveOrder that truncated transgender protections.
#law #rape #SexualAssault #heterosexism #LGBTQIA #WhiteCisHeteroChristianMaleSupremacy
US Dist Judge Royce Lamberth in Washington issued a preliminary #injunction after the women were added as plaintiffs in ongoing litigation over the impact of #Trump’s EO on #transgender women in federal #prisons.
Lamberth ordered the FBP to “immediately transfer” the 2 women – identified in court papers by the pseudonyms Rachel & Ellen Doe – back to women’s facilities & said the agency must continue to provide them w/ hormone therapy treatment for gender *dysphoria*.
The women said in court papers that they were living in constant fear of #SexualAssault & other #violence after being moved to male prisons. Male inmates repeatedly propositioned them for sex & male officers subjected them strip searches w/o female officers present, they said [#ACAB].
@Nonilex I can understand why they would be fearful!!