Time to prepare the popcorn
Via #RawStory
#DonaldTrump has until Monday to find a $454 million bond in his #NewYork #Fraud judgment or face Attorney General #LetitiaJames swooping in to seize his assets – and an expert said Friday he's desperate to stop that happening.
#Trump's lawyers claimed this week that finding the money to cover the judgment while he appeals it is a “practical impossibility," even though the former president took to #TruthSocial Friday and claimed he has almost $500 million in cash.
During a segment on #CNN Friday, former U.S. Attorney #HarryLitman was asked what he thinks will come next.
According to #Litman, if #Trump doesn't get a saving grace from the courts in the form of a stay on the payment or a reduction of the amount, a declaration of #bankruptcy would be a possibility.
But, he added, that would be a "political disaster" for him, leaving him with the "very final choice" of allowing #LetitiaJames to "just go and choose among his prized possessions."
Well, that would align what Forbes estimates, with about ~600m of cash or cash equivalents.
The point is, #P01135809 does not want to hand over nearly all of his cash as a bond.
So he makes his attorneys lie for him.
Would explain sudden hype about taking truth social public. No chance of clawing money out in time (legally), but maybe they can loosen some pockets with the lure of a future windfall