100% of wastewater sites are reporting #Covid. It is literally everywhere.
Note: This map does not show the amount of virus nor the increase/decrease.
@justyourluck Wow, that's a frightening map, especially considering there's maybe one person wearing a mask at any store I go to or any large event I see on TV.
Where did you find it?
Right?? They don't show this on the news, they show reported cases which are hardly anything because they're not even testing much less reporting. (I'm still speechless after my toot right before this one).
Here's the link:
@justyourluck I work in local news in a small Texas city and it's been pretty strange to watch the transformation over the last year.
Our city stopped reporting new cases and deaths several months ago and, even when posting belated info from the CDC the Coronavirus section's pageviews completely disappeared. No one's interested.
COVID is a thing of the past for just about everyone.
Thanks for sharing the map.
No problem. Fascinating (/horrifying) about the pageviews. I keep thinking people *will* be interested when a third of the population is unable to work but more and more I'm convinced they'll just think it's some mysterious thing.
@justyourluck They will definitely think it's just some mysterious thing or, more likely, they'll blame people for being lazy.
A little over a year ago, not long before the US hit a million dead, I listened to a news director credulously talking about the staffing crisis and blaming it on no one wanting to work.
People can't even connect the fact that a million people died with current economic conditions. They're not learning a single thing.
Oh I love that one. Yeah nobody wants to work... for minimum wage and risk their lives and their families lives just to be treated like shit and not make enough to survive anyway. Plus that million+ dead. Plus the 10-30% unable to work because they have Long Covid. They all must be lazy, yeah that's it.
@justyourluck What is the data source for this map? I’d like to check it regularly.
I think I'm going to start tooting this every Wednesday #WastewaterWednesday