before & I found myself staring a little. It was black and came to a point on the bridge of her nose. I asked if she cut her #mask or did it come that way. She said it came that way and then..
She removed it to show it to me!
Later when the screaming in my head died down, I wondered if she would've done that with someone who wasn't masked, or if she felt safe since I was masked... 6 foot rule plexiglass mentally.
It bums me out when I see people taking precautions that I can immediately identify as based on previous bullshit info we were given.
They obviously want to protect themselves AND BELIEVE THEY ARE or they'd be running around like the masses without protection at all.
But how much can you effectively convey w/ such a short window of opportunity?
People are in line behind me.
I want to spend as little time inside as possible. In. out.
Also, once she pulled it off I realized it was one of those one piece stretchy fabric masks (NOT N95) with holes that you pull back around your ears.
Comfy and fine if all you're worried about is droplets.
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #MasksWork
I feel the same way the odd time I venture out and I see the occasional surgical mask.
That really defeated my theory that the minority of people still trying would be the most likely to know that only N95 or better can protect you.