A political party devoid of new ideas starts stripping people of their rights — voting, reproductive, etc. — to assert their dominance and control.
It’s a road to authoritarianism. Be warned.
@rbreich unfortunately people don’t listen to warnings.
@Phiend @rbreich They do, but it takes time, and people often see and hear about the results (as long as it’s newsworthy) or super isolated events stripped from context. As an example: do you remember the hole in the ozone layer and all the warnings we got? Well, the hole it’s smaller now, and the healing is not stopping: https://www.nasa.gov/esnt/2022/ozone-hole-continues-shrinking-in-2022-nasa-and-noaa-scientists-say
@rbreich: Sick, poor, poorly educated, disenfranchised, afraid & misinformed people are easier to control. Not to serve, but to control. This explains much of the criminal enterprise that is today's GOP.
@rbreich The warning is just a tad late. By a couple of decades. Maybe four.
@rbreich Let's not forget speech. The #restrictact has bipartisan support.
@rbreich The media is failing us when it comes to reporting on this.
@rbreich forwarned? Check! Unfortunately we are also powerless. Our elected representatives of either party rarely consult us once they have our vote. No matter how overwhelmingly we support this policy or that, those unscrupulous fuckers just do what they and their shit-ass leadership want. Just what do you expect the powerless to do with this oh so valuable warning, Robert?
@rbreich The Republican Party wants us back in the 19th Century. It is incapable of moving us forward as a country or a society. It believes that restricting access by children to information it does not like is going to make a difference. It is not. Children and young people today have access to information via a number of sources. Most kids carry cellphones and use computers, and these are gateways to almost every kind of information out there. Kids are a lot smarter than Republicans give them credit for.
Republican attempts at censoring what kids read and see is a fool's errand.
This illustrates the GOP's utter lack of education and understanding of what is now in the real world.
Restricting access to information only feeds a stronger desire for that information. This has always been the case. It is basic human psychology.
@rbreich Congress is full of criminals who have been arrested and are guilty of crimes that would imprison any black man in America. Elect new blood.