Gifts to Supreme Court justices shouldn’t just be “disclosed.” They should be banned, outright. How is that not painfully obvious?
Correct. Not even a coffee at Starbucks. Nada.
@rbreich So, so, so this!
And the "gift" of lifetime tenure, save in the very unlikely case that you turn out to be such a repulsive creature that even a few rump members of a demagogic/theocratic party would vote to impeach you, is the first gift that should not be given.
@rbreich There’s probably a reasonable threshold for friends & family. Like a $200 cap for birthday presents from a friend or something. Every place I've worked in the last 30 years had a $20 or $25 cap on gifts for special occasions. Anything over $10 from a client or customer had to be refused, and all gifts (even the ones under $10) had to be reported.
@rbreich should apply to all judges
If someone can't secretly buy the home of a supreme court judge, have it renovated and let the judge's mom live here rent free, are we really a free country?
The gift cap for federal government employees is $10. Not sure why the SCOTUS gets to set their own rules.
@rbreich it’s not a gift, it’s a bribe
A gift is a set of pens or a tie.
These are bribes.
This isn't an ethics question. Crow and Thomas committed felonies for decades.
@rbreich They are the highest court and should have the highest standards.
@rbreich right ... Teachers aren't allowed to accept gifts over trivial amounts, that judges and politicians and justices can is nuts.
Every year we have to do a mandatory corporate compliance training where we are told that even giving a bottle of water to a volunteer firefighter dying in the desert is an illegal bribe and we shouldn't do it.
@rbreich Like bankers bonuses! Ban them too.
@rbreich The fact that judicial and political appointees can be bought or lobbied ensures the system will never work in the best interests of the people. And worse, only those with the weakest character will apply.
@rbreich Minnesota has a statute that limits it to $5...yup a fiver. It also bans Airline miles, hotel points, and credit card rewards, even if the expense is paid by the employee and reimbursed.