In 2016 Trump invited Russia to hack his opponent’s emails. In 2024, he invited Russia to do “whatever they hell they want" in Europe. Trump is a dangerous stooge for Putin. He shouldn’t be let anywhere near the Oval Office again.
@rbreich remember his first move in office was to pop the oval office by letting Russians in the space.
@noplasticshower @rbreich first go to the CIA for tacit threat to not eliminate him a-lá JFK, thenshutting down the U.S. gov't for a month!
@rbreich The sad thing is how many former-Yosemite Sam shoot-the-Reds-types now are all in on this
@rbreich As you know, Sir, the folks who follow you already know this. Who, which celebrity, could really get in there and convince his base that he’s a dangerous stooge for putin?
Benedict Arnold. Without the chops to serve in the military
@rbreich It's bizarre that his fundamental defense is, “This isn't out of the ordinary for him, so whatever.” If literally anyone else running for President did it, they'd have been shot into the sun. If Biden said the same thing, there'd be calls for him to be executed for treason.
@rbreich I can say what I mean or I can stay out of prison. I cannot do both.
@rbreich He shouldn't be near any federal or state building - except gaols.
And what is the Democratic Party doing against this, other than supporting genocide Joe and disenfranchising millions of voters in the process?
@ecpoir …and that’s a block. Congratulations
Wtf is literally what people in Europe say every day we see who the presidential candidates are in the US elections.
He managed to turn all the ceasefire crowd against him.
People will never vote for the democratic party again, because they have roots in the middle east, or simply dislike genocide.
Unless you live in Palestine. Then genocide Joe considers you an animal to be killed and sends billions + arms to those who are killing you.
Many people see this, including many former voters of the Democrat Party in the USA.
Btw, yes, the Trump / Republican junta, is as you described. We don't disagree there.
@rbreich I keep finding myself in disbelief that the GOP would continue to support trump. Then I remember the CNP has taken over the GOP and their inner circle's mission is to usher in the "end times".
@rbreich 2016 was even worse than the way you have it. Supposedly, Wikileaks had Clinton's emails, but Trump's infamous quip "Russia, if you're listening..." betrayed an awareness that Putin and Wikileaks were coordinating.
He shouldn’t be let anywhere near a microphone or keyboard again.
There's an almost certainly apocryphal story from Adlai Stevenson's 1952 presidential campaign.
Having delivered a stump speech in some small town he was approached by a supporter who said,
"Mr Stevenson with performances such as that you surely must have the vote of everything thinking American."
"Thank you ma'am," he replied, "But I'm afraid that we need a majority."
Yeah, ok....why don't you play the whole clip of #Trump "telling Russia they can do what the Hell they want" - oh, maybe because what you're referring to is an edited clip spun by the #mainstreammedia and people like you which just happens to cut out the bit showing he was getting other #NATO members to pay what they should be paying
As usual, anti-Trump propaganda... and you think America is in a better position with #JoeBiden
@wblackwell69 @rbreich NATO is a treaty obligation equal to the US constitution, meaning if they're attacked we are required to defend them in war. If that means nothing to you and you're willing to ignore that, it's because that's how you are about the constitution as well-just like your master Trump the con man. You're showing us you're a dishonest, lying con man like he is.
@Collectivision @wblackwell69 @rbreich
And you're telling me the Democrats respect the Constitution? Gimme a break
NATO is an alliance, and member States are supposed to contribute to it fairly, not spend less than the 2% and then expect everyone else, especially the US, to carry them
@wblackwell69 @rbreich
They do. And members abide by the terms-they don't abandon the others because that's unconstitutional for the US. But Trump is a promise breaking liar and his followers are too, supporting his deceptions.
@Collectivision @wblackwell69 @rbreich
That, my friend, is a blatant lie that NATO members pay their 2%
@wblackwell69 @rbreich No, refusing to help them according to treaty is unconstitutional and illegal; which is standard Trump-and his followers.
@rbreich since we took the "death sentence drug" from the market and it actually worked, we should consider to try the same with orange dye
Arrested and locked up is the baseline.
@rbreich You are a rock star of information. You make it simple to understand. Thank you for your decades of service. Ty!
@rbreich I'm more terrified by the number of cheers he received after saying it, tbh.
We all know that in Helsinki Donnie was on his knees in a back room with Putin. Putin came out of there with a smile on his face...
Russian puppet...
@rbreich Trump and Republicans are a danger. Unfortunately, the democrats are insidious and selective about who qualifies for compassion
Never should he have ever been let anywhere near the Oval Office.