#TV #Comedy Among #JenniferAniston's remarks in this Deadline piece is, "[Y]ou could joke about a #Bigot and have a laugh — that was hysterical. And it was about educating people on how ridiculous people were. And now we're not allowed to do that." https://deadline.com/2023/03/aniston-comedy-friends-jokes-offensive-sensitivity-1235313059/ I appreciate the #Education aspect of comedy, but making fun/light of anything risks the audience not seeing it for the real issue it may be.
B/c of #TV #Sitcoms, when I hear real bigots, part of my reaction is, "I can't believe there are people like this." Consider that #AllInTheFamily and #TheJeffersons made it clear Archie and George respectively were #Bigots. It also showed them to be ultimately lovable, three-dimensional #Characters, undercutting the sly comedic message that their bigotry was unacceptable.
Dealing w/ people in life, especially people who lower themselves to insults, we don't have time to check if they have redeeming qualities that most examined #Fictional #Characters do. If you insult or abuse others, that's their entire mental picture of you.
I wouldn't say #Comedy is more difficult today. I would hope it's been refined to the point everyone can appreciate #Humor that uplifts people of all #Identities. There are experiences we all share as human beings. They should be the #Inspiration for comedy.