The Gripen offers the best value, both upfront and over time. The Typhoon is more expensive but still cheaper to operate than the F-35. The Gripen stands out for its affordability, flexibility, and reduced U.S. dependence—ideal for smaller air forces or nations seeking strategic autonomy. The Gripen is arguably the strongest contender, with the Typhoon as a solid alternative. Buy EU! #EU #EUArmy #defence
Come funziona l'esercito europeo
#UnioneEuropea #difesa #EUArmy #ReArm #Europe
Un esercito europeo integrato garantirebbe una maggiore sicurezza e una risposta più rapida alle crisi globali. La creazione di una forza militare unificata permetterebbe...
What Europe needs to do in the next 10 years: Create a single #EUarmy and foreign policy by majority
️ A real common energy policy, which, like the CAP, has the goal of energy abundance, backed by #nuclear, #renewables, and #EnergyStorage tech
#Valentinstag #ValentinesDay #EUArmy
Wie weit würdet ihr gehen? Sollte die #EU über eigene Atomwaffen verfügen?
Italy’s foreign minister calls for formation of EU army #EUarmy
Italian foreign minister calls for formation of EU army
The European Union should form its own combined army that could play a role in peacekeeping and preventing conflict, Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said.
#EU #NATO #Defense #Verteidigung #Briefing 207 #Verteidigungspolitik #EUArmee #EUArmy #Streitkräfte #Bundeswehr #Deutschland #Germany #France #Frankreich #EDA #GSVP #Koordination #USA #Leadership #Militärausgaben #Rüstung #Rüstungsindustrie #China
Europäische Armee aufbauen? (Umfrage + Leitkommentar) | Briefing 207 | EU, Verteidigungspolitik, Geopolitik
MO 28/11, 18:00 Online-#EuropaSalon mit zu 6. #EuropeanHomeParliaments: Muss bei Migration, Sicherheit & Energie souveräner & durchsetzungsstärker werden? #HausParlamente #EUSovereignty #EUMigration #EUArmy #EUGreenDeal