Supporting an ILM panel about #GoodNightOppy VFX on Thursday afternoon at Siggraph
Supporting an ILM panel about #GoodNightOppy VFX on Thursday afternoon at Siggraph
@WestCoastChelle @skrishna oh #goodnightoppy is one of my favorites. Reminded me of some of my best years seeing all that was happening live. It's like looking back on my own life.
I'm not done talking #GoodNightOppy quite yet :) I'll be in DC for a day to talk on a panel on Sunday 3/26 : - might have to swing by Air and Space to say Hi to Dusty while I'm there.
Finally watched "Good Night Oppy" and it lived up to the expectations. Might've even gotten a little watery-eyed during the selfie scene. It must've been so amazing to work on a team with such enthusiasm!
And having spent my career as engineer, I definitely appreciate their implementation of a "shutdown dammit" command!
Watching #GoodnightOppy
Just wonderful stuff.
Finish crying my eyes out watching #GoodNightOppy, and I step outside to walk my dog one last time before bed. The sky’s perfectly clear, and sure enough, there’s #Mars, high and bright in the sky.
I, being a reasonable person, immediately start crying again.
#joinin we had a late #ChristmasEve dinner of chicken Parmesan and finished watching #GoodnightOppy the documentary about the #MarsExplorationRovers #Spirit and #Opportunity. (Amazon Prime)
(First half of documentary takes you through the planning, building, launching, landing and “planned” mission of 90 sols. Second half takes you through what happened next.)
So many memories. I followed and live-blogged the early days. Surprised/not surprised that I wept at the end.
@kcarruthers that's exactly why you should do it. I do the same and yes I cried but it was worth it. #goodnightoppy #mars #nasa #mer #opportunity
I’m a little behind, but I finally watched #GoodNightOppy on Prime. #Science is the freaking coolest! #NASA #MarsRovers #Space
The Oscars short list for Best Doc will drop today - hoping to see #GoodNightOppy in that list. Still holding out that Spirit might get a nomination for best actress in a supporting role but that seems less likely ;)
Oh, before I forget: please watch '#GoodNightOppy' to remind yourself how humans have done incredible things here... and in other planets.
It's the story about the Rovers 'Opportunity' and 'Spirit', from arrival to Mars til their last messages to Earth. Amazing storytelling and effects. It's in Prime
a brilliant documentary. I’M NOT CRYING! #goodnightoppy
After receiving a few orders from Bricklink and Pick-a-Brick, my #LEGO #Opportunity rover is now complete! #GoodNightOppy
Another great chat about #GoodNightOppy with Drew from The Wrap - and got to spend some time with Bekah in the win :)
Watching "Good Night Oppy", I realize that one of my favorite things is watching the relieved celebration of scientists at #JPL when they get confirmation that a mission has landed successfully. #SoManyTears #GoodNightOppy #space #mars #Spirit #Opportunity #MarsRovers
Just watched #goodnightoppy on #primevideo - I’m an emotional mess! How can you NOT love these two #rovers?? #Spirit #Opportunity @nasajpl @nasa
Just finished #GoodNightOppy
Really enjoyable, and quite amazing that the rover was able to last as long as it did - heck of a journey.
It's crazy that the batteries were able to sustain themselves for that period of time, now if only cell phone batteries could have the same lifespan.
#GoodNightOppy was an excellent movie about the Mars Opportunity & Spirit Rovers. It's on Amazon Prime. Watch it!
Tune in to learn what it took to design, build, test, and launch the @NASAMars Spirit and Opportunity rovers. (Spoiler: It wasn't easy!)
For fans of the recently released #GoodNightOppy, this is definitely a must watch!