Am besten finde ich den Pete Hegseth, der sich nicht die Hände wäscht, weil Bakterien und Viren kann er ja nicht sehen, also gibt es die nicht. Aber glaubt an Gott. Wer's glaubt, wird selig, wer's net glaubt kommt ah in deh Himmel.
Widerlicher Typ.
Tiffany Justice, of #MomsForLiberty, touted the launch of the portal, highlighting it as an opportunity for parents to push back against "critical [race] theory, *rogue* sex education, & *divisive* ideologies." She added: "Now is the time that you share the receipts of the betrayal that has happened in our public schools."
Holy shit
#Trump #Education Department Opens #Snitch Line Against #Diversity
The snitch portal was launched in association with the #extremist group Moms for Liberty
Trump's Dept of Education has launched a new portal for Americans to rat out the #diversity, #equity, & #inclusion efforts at their local #PublicSchools.
#law #discrimination #bigotry #FreeSpeech #extremism #StateSponsoredTerrorism #USpol #Trump
It's #AnnualReview time at work. And because I've bounced around a few teams over the last 12 months, I've got a bunch of colleague feedback forms to do.
And guess what - every single one of them is getting a *glowing* review and a mark of "Exceeds expectations" for everything.
Because I'm not a fucking #Snitch
Neighbors, advocates reel in aftermath of #Denver-area #ICEraids: “These last 30 hours have been devastating”
Feds went door-to-door demanding IDs at #Denver apartment complex: “I would never #snitch on my neighbors,” one resident said.
#Activists and neighbors believe the majority of #ICE #detainees hauled off aren’t criminals, and they said #immigration enforcement actions they witnessed took place without any #warrants. via #DenverPost & #AP reorts
Trump wants federal employees to snitch on each other?
What's good for the goose ....
And this is gross, but they are right. It fully freaked me out when I saw a products I had purchased in the Walmart store show up online and my Walmart account under “my items”. I’m kind of mad I didn’t know this would happen. If I knew how bad it was I would have used different credit cards. Or maybe one credit card for Walmart and one credit card for something else and a different credit card for groceries.
Idk but this is creepy AF and it pisses me off that it’s going to be used against women and people they want to deport and people who are trying to organize against fascism, but they never use it for domestic terrorists or insurrectionists. Of course. I’m not advocating for this surveillance state at all but it’s enraging that if we have it it’s never used for good.
#McSnitch #snitch #adjuster #CEO
UPDATED 2nd time:
The Tribune stroy claiming the McSnitch has been caught appears to be false. A FB post I cannot open (no account) states that Nancy Parker is a standup comedian based out of NY.
The McSnitch (McD's worker who snitched on the adjuster) is thus presumed yet to be found. The original post the Tribunr story probably descended from was traced to a bot/troll account on FB.
Since whoever this is snitched by calling 911 not the tip line, they might not even get their 30 pieces of silver for selling out a national hero. Let this wiggle-out be a lesson to all other snitches.
Original and apparently FALSE Tribune report. Let's see if they update or retract it: Update 8PM: No update at the Tribune.story. Are rhey standing by it or not paying attention or something else?
Welp the manhunt is over. Time to nullify some juries.
Pssst… Want to Snitch on Sellers of Pirate Streaming Services?
#StreamingBoxes #Anti-Piracy #ireland #snitch #fact
@jwildeboer OFC #Apple is just flat-out lying.
But what do we expect from a #PRISM Collaborator & #Snitch that is (AFAICT) the only #GAFAM so spineless they rather offered theor customers on a silver platter than doing the right thing and actually follow tueor own claims re: #privacy and cease business in the "P.R." #China...
@dysfun #AllGafamsAreBad / #AllGafamsAreEvil - including #Apple - as all have been #PRISM collaborators and continue to #snitch on users.
Espechally Apple ratted their users in #China out!
Hey there, this is the friendly neighborhood snitch calling to say I snitched on my neighbor to code enforcement today. My neighbors appear to nolonger have trash pickup and have a lot of garbage now stored on the street. There have been ongoing problems with these neighbors and trash.
That whole "Extort the Criminal Underground" thing might not have been such a great idea, after all. #IncognitoMarket #Pharoah #Faro #Snitch #Darknet