Today's date is fourth month of Harvest, day 2 (4 Shemu 2)
Today's date is fourth month of Harvest, day 2 (4 Shemu 2)
Today's date is fourth month of Harvest, day 1 (4 Shemu 1)
Toby Wilkinson's "The Last Dynasty" is a definitive text on Ptolemaic Egypt. #History #AlexanderTheGreat #Alexander #AncientEgypt #Cleopatra #HistoryFact
Today's date is third month of Harvest, last day (3 Shemu 30)
Today's date is third month of Harvest, day 29 (3 Shemu 29)
Today's date is third month of Harvest, day 28 (3 Shemu 28)
Today's date is third month of Harvest, day 27 (3 Shemu 27)
Today's date is third month of Harvest, day 26 (3 Shemu 26)
What the Lost Tomb of Thutmose II Really Proves - YouTube
A few weeks ago I shared a photo of one of my favourite pieces of Predynastic pottery, a bowl with hippopotami on the rim. It’s not the only example of this sort of bowl, here’s one that’s currently in the British Museum (I photographed it in 2014 when it was on display).
I’m less keen on the proportions of the animals as compared to the other bowl – on this one they look a little lost. And the workmanship is a bit rougher and it also lacks the decorative white lines. The whole thing is just a little more rough around the edges.
However it does have a feature the other lacks: a crocodile to go with the hippopotami! If you look to the left of the front hippo there is a very flat rendition of a crocodile, with its head towards us, two pairs of spread out limbs and tail reaching off into the distance. 1/3
Today's date is third month of Harvest, day 25 (3 Shemu 25)
Enócoe de fayenza para ofrendas, que habría contenido vino durante las festividades, donde se muestra a Berenice II de Egipto (269-221 a.C.) frente al altar donde dice "de los dioses benefactores". Este tipo de vasos pertenecía al culto de las reinas ptolemaicas, aunando detalles egipcios y griegos.Museo J. Paul Getty #antiguoegipto #ancientegypt
It wasn’t just the Romans who were keen on the symbolism of the phallus, here the Egyptian god Osiris reveals maybe more than anyone was expecting!
Egypt’s gem of a museum gears up for grand opening | National #AncientEgypt #culture #Egypt #EgyptianMuseum #GrandEgyptianMuseum #partners/afp
Today's date is third month of Harvest, day 24 (3 Shemu 24)