Nutzen Eure Kinder täglich Google? Verwenden sie auch datenschutzfreundliche, alternative Suchmaschinen? Können sie Fake-News erkennen?
Zu Fragen rund um die Nutzung digitaler Dienste gab osf Team-Mitglied Leopold Beer am Karlsgymnasium in München Antworten.
In seinem Vortrag „KI & Demokratie“ lernten Schüler:innen der 8. Klassenstufe u.a. wie sich #FakeNews erkennen lassen und warum #ChatBots nicht immer zuverlässig sind.
Each week we will have a simple phrase of the week. Try using this phrase throughout the week and become comfortable using Irish in your day to day life #onlinecourse #onlinecourses #irishschool #backtoschool #phraseoftheweek #Gaeilge #irish #learnirish #memes #irishclasses #leavingcert #juniorcert #irishgrinds #irishoral #irishorals #scruducainte
Scopri le migliori calcolatrici scientifiche del 2025 per la scuola!
#backtoschool #tech
As the 2025 summer holidays end in Australia, it's time to head back to school. How do you pick a laptop for the students in your life? #buyersguides #computers #tablets #backtoschool #chromebook #gan #ipad #kids #studentlaptop #wirelessheadphones
10 Back-to-School Tech Tips for Kids, Teens and College Students – #McAfeeAntivirus|SecuringTomorrowRSSFeed #McAfeeAntivirusSecuringTomorrow #rssfeedpostgeneratorecho #1CyberSecurityNewsPost #rssfeedsAutogenerated #passwordprotectetion #privacyprotectetion #CyberSecurityNews #socialmediasafety #McafeeSecurity #backtoschool #FamilySafety #genz
It's time for back-to-school haircuts. I gave Kid2 hers the other week, so it's just Kid3 and Kid4 tonight. Kid4 went first. The haircuts happen in the kitchen: they sit on a stool and I tell them to turn around when I need to cut different areas.
To avoid confusion, I give directions based on what in the room they will be facing, eg the stove, the window, the blackboard. Which led to this:
Me: OK, turn around to face the plants... No, the plants.... oh. Sorry. The other plants
Kid4 (rolling eyes): You have too many plants
Heh heh. Mission accomplished
The wooden bench in the hallway outside the headmaster's office was hard. It made you squirm. But once you'd sat on it, you daren't wriggle to relieve the creeping pins and needles. #writing #shortstory #backtoschool
Link to story on Tall And True:
Cuir an fhuaim in airde leis na focail a chloisteáil. Bain úsáid astu le linn na seachtaine agus téigh i dtaithí leis an nGaeilge a úsáid i do shaol laethúil. Turn up the volume to hear each word. Try using these words throughout the week and become comfortable using Irish in your day to day life
#onlinecourse #onlinecourses #wordsoftheweek #Gaeilge #irish #learnirish #irishclasses #leavingcert #onlineshop #Ireland #backtoschool #school #education
Gach seachtain beidh frása simplí na seachtaine againn. Bain triail as an bhfrása seo i rith na seachtaine agus bí ar do chompord ag úsáid na Gaeilge i do shaol laethúil
Míle buíochas @mochas_na_heireann as an mblas álainn saibhir sin a chur ar fáil dúinn
Excited to announce the DW Tutoring website!
As a disabled educator, I provide personalised support for neurodiverse students.
With school returning next week, now is the ideal time to schedule a free assessment for your child’s needs.
Visit to discover how my tutoring and research services fuse academic rigour with creative strategies.
Please share this so that families can benefit from my approach.
Cuir an fhuaim in airde leis na focail a chloisteáil. Bain úsáid astu le linn na seachtaine agus téigh i dtaithí leis an nGaeilge a úsáid i do shaol laethúil. Turn up the volume to hear each word. Try using these words throughout the week and become comfortable using Irish in your day to day life
#onlinecourse #onlinecourses #wordsoftheweek #Gaeilge #irish #learnirish #irishclasses #leavingcert #onlineshop #Ireland #backtoschool #school #education
Each week we will have a simple phrase of the week. Try using this phrase throughout the week and become comfortable using Irish in your day to day life #onlinecourse #onlinecourses #irishschool #backtoschool #phraseoftheweek #Gaeilge #irish #learnirish #memes #irishclasses #leavingcert #juniorcert #irishgrinds #irishoral #irishorals #scruducainte
This is the start of our "Back to School" series which will feature schools from Waiau, Murihiku:
According to FWG Millers history, Eastern Bush School was not opened until 1 January 1892 and previously the school children had been taught in the Scobie’s woolshed on the Accommodation House/Hotel property. We have a list of early teachers and students. What we are missing is more photos. Can you help with this? Thanks!
Visit link below:
Each week we will have a simple phrase of the week. Try using this phrase throughout the week and become comfortable using Irish in your day to day life #onlinecourse #onlinecourses #irishschool #backtoschool #phraseoftheweek #Gaeilge #irish #learnirish #memes #irishclasses #leavingcert #juniorcert #irishgrinds #irishoral #irishorals #scruducainte
Cuir an fhuaim in airde leis na focail a chloisteáil. Bain úsáid astu le linn na seachtaine agus téigh i dtaithí leis an nGaeilge a úsáid i do shaol laethúil. Turn up the volume to hear each word. Try using these words throughout the week and become comfortable using Irish in your day to day life
#onlinecourse #onlinecourses #wordsoftheweek #Gaeilge #irish #learnirish #irishclasses #leavingcert #onlineshop #Ireland #backtoschool #school #education
I will soon be testing "You're never too old to (fill in the blank)".
I've applied and started the process to go back to school full time while working full time.
Something I've been thinking about for many years is to become a therapist. More specifically, a clinical therapist. This is a long term goal because even though I have many hours of college credits, including the CCAF, I've never obtained a degree.
Aeon Bank offers RM50 AEON voucher when you save RM500 for Back to School Savings Pot #aeonbank #aeonbanksavingsaccount #backtoschool #digitalbank #digitallife #news #savingspot
Good morning and a Happy New Year to one and all!
I'm still on holiday until Monday but it's #BackToSchool day so time to dismantle the tree, and sweep the Christmas dust away.
And a very snowy + wintry scene it was when I saw the kids out the door this am... #SnowDK