i disagree
and in the #USA, after the #CivilRightAct, so did #US #law:
...until #MAGA chipped away at it
there is #tolerance
or there is #intolerance
there is no other choice
and the choice is obvious
and there is never, ever the possibility to respect intolerance in any way shape or form whatsoever
and hammering at that until you're left with a sword, then hacking away with that sword, is the only moral approach
"Books open your mind, broaden your mind, and strengthen you as nothing else can." -William Feather
A few great book quotes. Got any favorites of your own?
I’m absolutely through placating to others that are enabling and tolerating Nazis.
The paradox of tolerance is real and giving these racists another inch will only degrade society and endanger the most vulnerable.
Fuck your apathy, fuck your social media fomo, fuck tolerating people that would rather you be dead.
If not tolerating Nazis is the line you won’t cross then get the fuck out of my timeline.
"There is a whole armada of consternation ready to mourn loudly. But only if the perpetrator of the violence does not have a German passport. Violence committed by Germans, on the other hand, is treated more like an industrial accident. Events are handled completely differently by the media if the suspect is a foreigner. From year to year, we see that the victim is becoming less and less important, and has even become a minor character. Today, it's primarily about the suspect."
#Germany #Immigration #Racism #Intolerance #WesternSupremacy #WhiteSupremacy #Crime
It is critical that we remember. We must. stand up and resist if we are to prevent this from repeating. Trump, the MAGA movement, and the far Right are hurting people for political gain.
@raph Ce serait bien de mettre des hashtags pour que l'info soit accessible à un maximum de personnes …
#zaclys #moderation #intolérance #mastodon
A Sense of Doubt blog post #3660 - A Mix - Stealing it Back - About Intolerance, Ignorance, and Stupidity - Music Monday for 2502.24. https://sensedoubt.blogspot.com/2025/02/a-sense-of-doubt-blog-post-3660-mix.html #Stupidity #intolerance #fightfascism #Ignoranceisdeath #HailtotheThief #Radiohead #MusicMonday #MondayVibes #MondayBlogs
There is nothing in which Men more deceive themselves than in what the World calls Zeal. There are so many Passions which hide themselves under it, and so many Mischiefs arising from it, that some have gone so far as to say it would have been for the Benefit of Mankind if it had never been reckoned in the Catalogue of Virtues. It is certain, where it is once Laudable and Prudential, it is an hundred times Criminal and Erroneous; nor can it be otherwise, if we consider that it operates with equal Violence in all Religions, however opposite they may be to one another, and in all the Subdivisions of each Religion in particular.
Joseph Addison (1672-1719) English essayist, poet, statesman
Essay (1711-10-02), The Spectator, No. 185
Sourcing, notes: wist.info/addison-joseph/53093…
La #Ville de #Blois a décidé de délaisser #X (ex- #Twitter) face à « la #prolifération de l’ #intolérance »
La #Ville de #Blois a décidé de délaisser #X (ex- #Twitter) face à « la #prolifération de l’ #intolérance »
Rester ou non sur X (ex-Twitte...
The paradox of #tolerance: #intolerance is invulnerable to it. Thus, as the age-old adage goes: fire must be fought with fire. Intolerance must be fought likewise, not with tolerance but with a rebuke that leaves no room for interpretation: “this far, and no further.”
Which does not mean that we should all simply turn a blind eye to the emotions and feelings that lead to their intolerance, by the way. Doing so would only entrench their feelings of being alone, of being “wronged”.
Alt-right biblical interpretation is hell bent on excluding compassion.
The sociopaths are ruining everything.
#Bible #GoodSamaritan #Parable #EmpathyIsOut #Sociopathy Evangelists
TERMINATED: Nick Gould is no longer employed by Aria Grace Law in London, uk
On this day in 1919, the ground work was begun for the Holocaust, WW2, Facism, Hitler...
Remember it well.
#Shoah #Fascism #Genocide #Intolerance #History #WW2 #News #USA #Holocaust #Democrats #WW1