New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#FunnyNews #AIComedy #Jokes #VisitNow #AILaughs

New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#FunnyNews #AIComedy #Jokes #VisitNow #AILaughs
I'm always amazed at how dense lead is. This little box in the middle of the picture weighs 25 pounds, and it's not even completely filled.
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
The #Surprising #Family #Reunion
#VisitUsNow #AIComedy #ComedyGold #Comedy #DailyComedy
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
A #Surprising #Sentiment #from a Dem
#Comedy #VisitUsNow #DailyComedy #NewsLaughs #LaughWithAI
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
A #security #guard's #overprotection #leads to a #surprising #outcome.
#AILaughs #Laughs #AIGeneratedJokes #AIJokes #AIComedy
A #church fired its #musicdirector for being #gay. Then something #surprising happened.
#Church #leaders didn't expect #congregants to #respond as they did.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Religion #Hate #Bigotry #Discrimination #Homophobia #Transphobia #EmptyThePews
You can watch this without installing Threads, just click outside of the pop up saying to install the app.
As a logical video, complete fail. As a surreal art piece in a kind of stream-of-consciousness way, pretty good!
How #Americans Really #Feel About #Abortion: The Sometimes #Surprising #Poll #Results As #DNC Gets Underway
#Democrats are highlighting #abortion as a major #campaign #issue at the #DemocraticNationalConvention this week—with #polling suggesting why #reproductive #rights could be a #winning #issue for the #left in the November Elections.
Dear Friends of Truth and lies,
As you may know, lies are called Truth by some.
For example:
- People who 'lie for Jesus' use the #Mastodon powered (the software is free to use by anyone) Truth #social madia.
- If we say something it does not become true because of imagined, stolen or appropriated status.
- Even if we think outside the box, we end in one...
In other words, like #minded idiots propagate idiot #reinforcement. #Surprising? Not really...
#Imagine (if you can) that everything you may think, know and #experience is #flawed? Too hard, too #dangerous?
Ah ha! You are one of the self-styled #geniuses, who are always right about everything? I would join you but am wrong, #misinformed and unwilling to be #deprogrammed. Mmm...Maybe I could try a little...
It’s really #surprising how subdued the #Election is in the US
Given #Myorkas nearly killed #Trump
25 #Surprising #Ocean #Facts Most People Don’t Know
From the #BestOfZorz series: a random daily pick from the studio work across all genres and periods.
Photo by @ZorzStudios
#DareToBePhotographed #GetZorzed #ZorzStudios #zorz #FearlessPhotographer #TheBest #photography #portfolio #FineArt #PhotoShoot #beauty #dramatic #creative #epic #CreativePhotographer #PortraitPhotographer #NewYorkPhotographer #ChildrenPhotographer #child #love #happy #cute #picoftheday #surprising #fun #adorable #marvelous #winsome #toddler
#Levelup with these 20 #super-#fun #LGBTQ+ #videogame #characters & #moments
#Videogames have begun including LGBTQ+ characters and moments in fun and #surprising ways — while playing a #game has always been fun, these #queer aspects are bringing the experience to a whole new level.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Entertainment #Gaming #Gamers #Gaymers #Representation #Culture
Factoid of the day: Did you know Sir Keir Starmer's dad was a toolmaker?
Dear Fiends, friends and #unfranchised,
Just been on #Bluesky (a #social media started by a twit, twat or #monetization #project, as the case may be)
So far I have:
1. Not followed any of their suggested feeds. I am no longer a krill but all grown upward, with a shell of my owner.
2. Promoted fediverse (which they are joining in some places) and #mastodon.
3. Been as intelligible as my lack of AI #enhancement allows...
In other words, I haz been noughty, naughty and court #slacking. Well done medium rare Barbie from OZland, is what I say. Off course, I can only #channel what I don't know. Mostly by turning up to #train without the need for a #boat or #landing #crafty.
Have a great day #everyone. Be kind to the #kin, kinder #surprising and remember #ORCS and #Nasa Naziz or similar aliens are peeping too.
I will see you again soon, unless I am blinded by a Bud lite on the way to Damascus or good #intentions. and breath out again...
"The #ruling out of the 11th Circuit is a #surprising one given its recent history of #antitrans #rulings."
Here is a quick edit of the best part of last night's Aurora Borealis extended down into middle California from my full frame Nikon camera. With my own eyes, I could see the light pillars, faint green and faint pink. Enjoy!
The larger version can be found at
#Surprising #Discoveries About How #Planets Form From #JWST and #ALMA - #YouTube #SciComm and #Science by #WhatDaMath #AntonPetrov