As #Trump tries to get their vote, a *comedian* at his rally makes #racist jokes about #Latinos & #PuertoRico
Comedian #TonyHinchcliffe made crude jokes about Latinos having babies & called Puerto Rico a “floating island of garbage.”
#MAGA #Republicans #WhiteSupremacy #intolerance #racism #hate
#VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024
Hinchcliffe, the first among ~30 warmup speakers, launched into a #crude & disparaging set of jokes about the conflict in the #MiddleEast, #Black voters & #Latinos.
[I won’t repeat them]
…A number of the opening speakers at the MSG rally threw around #vulgarities & #demeaning comments about VP #KamalaHarris & other #Democratic politicians. Radio host Sid Rosenberg called #HillaryClinton "a sick son of a b----" & David Rem, a NYC #Trump backer, said Harris was the "Antichrist."
…#Harris’ running mate, Minnesota Gov #TimWalz, responded to the comedian’s comments.…
“People in #PuertoRico are #citizens. They pay tax & they #serve in the #military at almost a higher rate than anybody else,” Walz added, knocking #Trump for his response to #HurricaneMaria in 2017 — including a now-famous video clip of the then-president tossing paper towel rolls to #PuertoRicans seeking aid.
#MAGA #Republicans #WhiteSupremacy #intolerance #racism #hate
#PuertoRico, which is home to >3 million #American #citizens, …experienced significant outward migration to the mainland US after #HurricaneMaria ravaged the island territory in 2017.
#PuertoRicans who live on the island are not eligible to vote in presidential elections (the commonwealth does hold elections & award delegates to both Democratic & Republican primary candidates) despite being #US citizens.
#MAGA #Republicans #WhiteSupremacy #intolerance #racism #hate
#KamalaHarris, for her part, unveiled her plan for #PuertoRico as she campaigned in Pennsylvania on Sunday, posting details to her social media accounts & adding a section to her campaign website. #BadBunny, a #PuertoRican rapper & singer, shared #Harris’ announcement with his more than 45 million Instagram followers.
#MAGA #Republicans #WhiteSupremacy #intolerance #racism #hate
This was the #KamalaHarris video shared by #BadBunny.
#PuertoRican artists #JenniferLopez & #RickyMartin also shared #Harris’s video on their Instagram accounts, each expressing their support for her. The three artists alone have more than 314 million Instagram followers between them.
#MAGA #Republicans #WhiteSupremacy #intolerance #racism #hate
#BadBunny’s support for #KamalaHarris came as she held a rally in #Philadelphia, which has a large #PuertoRican population. Earlier in the day, #Harris made a stop at a Puerto Rican restaurant in north Philadelphia, where she outlined her plans for the island & was met with supporters chanting “¡#SíSePuede!”
#MAGA #Republicans #WhiteSupremacy #intolerance #racism #hate