Holy shit
#Trump #Education Department Opens #Snitch Line Against #Diversity
The snitch portal was launched in association with the #extremist group Moms for Liberty
Trump's Dept of Education has launched a new portal for Americans to rat out the #diversity, #equity, & #inclusion efforts at their local #PublicSchools.
#law #discrimination #bigotry #FreeSpeech #extremism #StateSponsoredTerrorism #USpol #Trump
The portal, called EndDEI.ed.gov [yes, that’s an official dot gov address], debuted w/a press release that featured no govt authorities, but rather a quote from a co-founder of the reactionary group #MomsForLiberty, which is infamous for its anti-#LGBTQ+ activism & links to #RightWing #militant groups like the #ProudBoys.
Tiffany Justice, of #MomsForLiberty, touted the launch of the portal, highlighting it as an opportunity for parents to push back against "critical [race] theory, *rogue* sex education, & *divisive* ideologies." She added: "Now is the time that you share the receipts of the betrayal that has happened in our public schools."
@Nonilex Here I fixed the link for you to her portal.
Official Bio:
"Tiffany comes from a broken home where the only books she was allowed to read growing up were The Bible, Curious George Goes to Jail, How to Skin A Jew, and SuperFudge.
Tiffany currently sends out disgusting emails to co-workers about her fantasies of running a whites only world and cancelling black coffee because it's black."
@Nonilex this is everyone"s chance to make up DEI complaints about religious schools. When the UK government were asking for evidence of council culture at universities -I ended up reporting a complaint about how they were still teaching. Woke mathematics were equilateral triangles were being promoted.
@Nonilex Some things you can report:
- History class (discusses Cisalpine Gaul and Transylvania, the horror)
- Chemistry class (discusses cis-trans isomers, and even how you can turn one from cis to trans!)
- Electronics class (discusses transistors, can't have *any* sisters anywhere being trans)
- Auto shop (you might work on somebody's transmission. Enough said)
- And probably others I can't recall off the top of my head.
/s, in case it's not obvious