As #Trump tries to get their vote, a *comedian* at his rally makes #racist jokes about #Latinos & #PuertoRico
Comedian #TonyHinchcliffe made crude jokes about Latinos having babies & called Puerto Rico a “floating island of garbage.”
#MAGA #Republicans #WhiteSupremacy #intolerance #racism #hate
#VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024
Hinchcliffe, the first among ~30 warmup speakers, launched into a #crude & disparaging set of jokes about the conflict in the #MiddleEast, #Black voters & #Latinos.
[I won’t repeat them]
…A number of the opening speakers at the MSG rally threw around #vulgarities & #demeaning comments about VP #KamalaHarris & other #Democratic politicians. Radio host Sid Rosenberg called #HillaryClinton "a sick son of a b----" & David Rem, a NYC #Trump backer, said Harris was the "Antichrist."
…#Harris’ running mate, Minnesota Gov #TimWalz, responded to the comedian’s comments.…
“People in #PuertoRico are #citizens. They pay tax & they #serve in the #military at almost a higher rate than anybody else,” Walz added, knocking #Trump for his response to #HurricaneMaria in 2017 — including a now-famous video clip of the then-president tossing paper towel rolls to #PuertoRicans seeking aid.
#MAGA #Republicans #WhiteSupremacy #intolerance #racism #hate
#PuertoRico, which is home to >3 million #American #citizens, …experienced significant outward migration to the mainland US after #HurricaneMaria ravaged the island territory in 2017.
#PuertoRicans who live on the island are not eligible to vote in presidential elections (the commonwealth does hold elections & award delegates to both Democratic & Republican primary candidates) despite being #US citizens.
#MAGA #Republicans #WhiteSupremacy #intolerance #racism #hate
#KamalaHarris, for her part, unveiled her plan for #PuertoRico as she campaigned in Pennsylvania on Sunday, posting details to her social media accounts & adding a section to her campaign website. #BadBunny, a #PuertoRican rapper & singer, shared #Harris’ announcement with his more than 45 million Instagram followers.
#MAGA #Republicans #WhiteSupremacy #intolerance #racism #hate
This was the #KamalaHarris video shared by #BadBunny.
#PuertoRican artists #JenniferLopez & #RickyMartin also shared #Harris’s video on their Instagram accounts, each expressing their support for her. The three artists alone have more than 314 million Instagram followers between them.
#MAGA #Republicans #WhiteSupremacy #intolerance #racism #hate
#BadBunny’s support for #KamalaHarris came as she held a rally in #Philadelphia, which has a large #PuertoRican population. Earlier in the day, #Harris made a stop at a Puerto Rican restaurant in north Philadelphia, where she outlined her plans for the island & was met with supporters chanting “¡#SíSePuede!”
#MAGA #Republicans #WhiteSupremacy #intolerance #racism #hate I hope if Puerto Rico chooses, they can join the United States as an equal partner, someday. Even as a kid it fired my imagination that, if they chose, Puerto Rico could become the 51st state.
@Nonilex It's ridiculous we still have "territories". They need to all become "real" states or be given full sovereignty.
The middle space where they get to pay taxes but not vote kind of reminds me of something from the 1770s.